Why Passivhaus?

Arguably the best comfort standard in the world, with energy costing 1/10 compared to typical levels, tried and tested over 30 years, and 100% science-based.

The construction cost is approx. 10% more than a standard building, giving a great return as a long-term investment.

Key Benefits

I. Energy efficiency

Airtight and well insulated envelope ensures a minimum heat loss, using 90% less energy than a typical building.

II. Comfort Standard

Internal areas are free from draughts and cold spots, without excessive over heating and almost no temperature variations.

III. Healthy environment

Ventilation provides a constant supply of fresh air with pollutants and odours removed from the building.

Passivhaus numbers

Heating Demand15 kWh/m2*yr
Peak Load10 W/m2
Temperature difference insidemax 2 °C
Internal average temperature20-25 °C
Amount of time with temperatures over 25°Cmax 10% (over a year)
Primary Energy Demandmax 120 kWh/m2*yr
Airtightness at 50Pa (both pressurised and depressurised)max 0.6 airchanges/hour
* Heating Demand OR Peak Load criteria (not both) must be achieved to get the Passivhaus certification